Over at OSTraining, our students use a Github repository (https://github.com/imrodmartin/ddev-gitpod) to create as many Drupal websites as they need to take our classes. This repository creates Drupal sites hosted at GitPod.io and it's really an amazing tool!
Many times, students want to save a copy of the site at a particular stage in the training, or simply share their site with someone else. As well, if someone gets behind, I can share my site with them and they can continue the class. This is a life saver!
I've talked about our training environment here: https://youtu.be/r0uL4OIJMv0 and here: https://youtu.be/uTsnFxLltfA.
Once again, thank you to Ofer (@shaal) for spending time with me at DrupalCamp Florida showing me how to do this! I love Open Source communities!