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One Friday morning last month I decided to ride to Nashville, TN for lunch. It's 260 miles so I made it right around 1:00 pm. I love Nashville and the ride there and back on the coutry roads was incredibly relaxing.
On my way back I added up the miles I’ve ridden on a motorcycle… around 160,000 (about 260,000 km). Not a lot by some standards but a ton more than people who buy a bike and leave it in their garage.
A few thoughts:
- There is nothing like the open road on a bike. Nothing.
- I love the Goldwing (just my preference… HD riders are fine people too! :) )
- If you appear approachable, people everywhere will ask where you’re heading, strike up a conversation and wish you well… and I love that.
- People are generally decent.
- Some are not.
- Even when gas is $3.79 a gallon, you can go over 200 miles for under $20.
- I love long stretches of straight road… the Goldwing is so perfectly balanced you can ride for miles with no hands.
- Bluetooth in my helmet means I’ve had some amazing phone conversations with friends I don’t always get to talk to.
- In light of # 8… Secure your phone well to your bike. There’s nothing like dropping your phone on a bridge in mid-conversation with someone and the last words they hear are… "Oh crap".
- Don’t be afraid to ask for help. No matter how strong you are you can’t lift a 900 pound bike out of a ditch when it’s upside down by yourself. People are always willing to help (see #4).
I’d love to think that I’ll get another hundred thousand miles in before I can’t ride anymore… But then there’s always a Can-Am Spider.
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