It's been 200 days since I saw my 19,000th day. That's: 200 days 4,800 hours 288,000 minutes
It's been 200 days since I saw my 19,000th day.
- 200 days
- 4,800 hours
- 288,000 minutes
Making every minute count... ever hour... every day - that's the heart of an intentional lifestyle. And it's HARD. At least it has been for me!
Last November I set up a morning routine consisting of getting up at 6:00 am, spending time reading and reflecting and trying to journal (something I've never really done) among a few other things. This one change made a huge difference in how I approached ever day. On the days where I wasn't able to follow the routine, I found that I was not as focused, not as prone to watching for that one moment I could make a remarkable difference in someone else's life.
One definite frustration was the workout I started. One week into it, I got the flu. It took almost two weeks for me to feel better! By that time... yep - you guessed it - I didn't really get back into it. One of the things to recalibrate :)
I hit some milestones in the last 200 days...
- In the span of 3 weeks, I dipped my toe in the Atlantic off the coast of Florida, the Gulf of Mexico, the Pacific in the northwest, and the North Sea off the coast of the Netherlands.
- I've met some very smart people while presenting training at Intuit in Mountain View, NIH in Washington DC and Paul Quinn College in Dallas.
- I've taught WordPress, Joomla, Drupal and the iPad in Education to some fantastic people in Chicago, Boston, New York, Orlando, Iowa City, Portland, Amsterdam and Toronto.
- Completed a downloadable guide to the Old Testament Walkthru I've taught over the past 25 years. Its consistently in the top 3 pages viewed on my blog.
- I've given two dozen copies of a great book out to people all over place!
- I got a person to actually smile while walking in downtown Chicago!
There's more... but those are some of the highlights.
The next 200 days include a trip to Prague, more training in DC, Boston, New York, Chicago; a vacation in SC (whew - time alone with Teresa!); leading worship in my church (still can't believe they let me sing lol)... and whatever else God brings my way... it's gonna be fun!